Wu Guanzhong Representing China
Wu Guanzhong (1919 - 2010) Wu Guanzhong was born in the province of Jiang Su, China. He is considered to be one of the greatest contemporary Chinese painters. In 1942 he graduated from the Department of Painting, National Hangzhou Academy of Art. From 1947 to 1950, he advanced his study in the Department of Oil Painting of Ecole Nationale Superienc des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He also taught in the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts.
Some of his works were kept by the Museum of Arts, China, National Museum of History in Taiwan, Museum of Art, Hong Kong, Britain Museum, Sainiuqi Museum of Paris, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, The Museum of Birmingham, and the University of Kansas. In 1990, he obtained the highest honor from the French Culture Bureau.