Jean La Gac Representing France

Jean La Gac, professor of drawing, he is hardly tempted by a career in line with the trends that dominate the 1960s , and his first activities assert themselves on the sidelines of accepted categories, like those of Christian Boltanski he knows since 1966.
Passionate about literature, he comes to propose, first of all in modest notebooks juxtaposing photos and equally allusive texts, the narrative of the facts and gestures of an anonymous painter: this narrative material authorizes him to define himself as an artist-painter, projecting his problems, his doubts and his moods on his double.
Since 1981, he reproduces with traditional techniques (charcoal, pastels) illustrations borrowed from popular literature, which allow his character to live new adventures, all equally stereotyped, and complete his images with objects (typewriter, device photo, cinema projector) evocative of a staging or a fiction that does not finish to put in abyme its processes: the work of Le Gac elaborates on the absence of work of its hero .